Welcome From the Director
On behalf of the Center for Juvenile Justice Reform at Georgetown University’s McCourt School of Public Policy, I welcome you to our website.
This site is a reflection of our commitment to research and leadership development as we continue to fulfill our mission to advance a balanced, multi-system approach in reducing juvenile delinquency that promotes positive child and youth development, while also holding youth accountable.
As we continue to learn more about what works to better serve youth at risk, we are committed to identifying and promoting policies and practices that are data driven, evidence based and outcome focused. We seek to strengthen family engagement, the appropriate assessment of youth, and the use across systems of high quality practices and services that help to reduce recidivism and racial and ethnic disparities. In short, we are committed to supporting and developing stronger leaders in juvenile justice and related systems of care and helping them to achieve better outcomes for the young people and families they serve.
I hope you visit us again soon. Please contact us if you have any questions.
Michael Umpierre
Center for Juvenile Justice Reform
McCourt School of Public Policy
Georgetown University