Our Work
The Center for Juvenile Justice Reform currently works with jurisdictions nationwide to help them better translate knowledge on “what works” into everyday practice and policy. The Center provides on-and off-site training, networking opportunities, webinars and more to help state and local agencies develop and implement system improvement efforts.
Learn more about our current initiatives:
Our Current Programs

We are delighted to announce that, with the support of OJJDP, the Center for Juvenile Justice Reform (CJJR) and our partners at the Coalition for Juvenile Justice (CJJ), are launching the Center for Reducing Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Juvenile Justice. As part of this effort, we will be establishing a new national training and technical assistance center that has the potential to revolutionize policies, practices, and perceptions surrounding racial and ethnic disparities. This includes strengthening state and territory level compliance, developing and implementing comprehensive technical assistance, increasing the knowledge base of practitioners, and meaningfully partnering with youth and families.
You can learn more about the Center for RR/ED on its own dedicated website!

Center for Coordinated Assistance to States
CJJR partners with the American Institutes for Research and the Council for Juvenile Justice Administrators to focus on working more effectively with youth involved in multiple systems of care.

Crossover Youth Practice Model
In 2010, CJJR developed the Crossover Youth Practice Model (CYPM) to address the unique needs of youth that are at risk of or are fluctuating between the child welfare and juvenile justice systems.

Juvenile Justice Leadership Network
CJJR hosts the JJLN, designed to provide public juvenile justice agency leaders a convenient and comfortable “place” to have open and honest dialogues on juvenile justice reform issues.

Juvenile Justice System Improvement Project
The Juvenile Justice System Improvement Project (JJSIP) is designed to help states improve outcomes for juvenile offenders by better translating knowledge on “what works” into everyday practice and policy.

Length of Stay Policy Academy
In recent years, there has been a growing recognition that youth involved in the juvenile justice system thrive best when they are in their own homes and communities, supported by…

National Reentry Resource Center
The Center for Juvenile Justice has been proud to be a part of the National Reentry Resource Center for many years, working to build resources and providing technical assistance around the topic of juvenile reentry.

Public Information Officers Learning Collaborative
CJJR has partnered with other key organizations to conduct an annual learning collaborative for juvenile justice and child welfare public information officers (PIOs) at Georgetown University.

Stop Solitary for Kids
The Stop Solitary for Kids campaign works to safely end the dangerous practice of solitary confinement for kids in juvenile and adult facilities.

Youth in Custody Practice Model
Since 2016, CJJR and CJJA have operated the Youth in Custody Practice Model Initiative—a research-based effort designed to improve services for youth in custody, from facility admission to community reentry.