Need Help Finding Funding?

Posted in Announcements News
Want to join one of our programs, but having challenges finding funding? There are a number of options available.
Janet Reno Scholarships
Tuition assistance is available through CJJR’s Janet Reno Scholarships. These competitive scholarships of up to $1,000 per person will be provided to teams that show a heightened readiness to utilize the curriculum to undertake changes in their local community, as determined by CJJR’s review of the individual and team applicants. Heightened readiness will be assessed based on the following factors:
- Understanding of the issues: A thoughtful understanding of issues, such as specific policies and practices that remain to be addressed in the juvenile justice system in your jurisdiction.
- Leadership: A description of contributions team members have made or are able to make to reform efforts, and to advocating for this issue to become a priority.
- Capacity to use data in order to support and measure the impact of reform efforts: Specific references to data describing the issues identified in your jurisdiction.
- Family engagement: The history of, and/or strategy to pursue, efforts to effectively engage families in order to better serve the youth in your jurisdiction.
- Efficacy: A detailed description of challenges or barriers encountered in previous reform efforts, and an understanding of successful and unsuccessful strategies to eliminate barriers.
- Capacity and willingness to collaborate (within your team and with others): An analysis of each team member’s role, influence and resources, and a description of any history of successful collaboration and reform efforts.
- Available resources: An analysis of the available resources within your jurisdiction, as well as capacity and strategy to obtain resources to implement the reform effort.
There will also be a separate category of need-based subsidies available through CJJR to support the participation of individuals and teams with demonstrated need. To apply for a subsidy, please submit a Statement of Financial Need with your application to the program and indicate the amount of aid you are requesting.
Community Foundation Locator
Local, state and regional level foundations are often supportive of this type of training activity and may be able to provide grants, but it can often be difficult to know where to start looking. One option is the Community Foundation Locator. The Community Foundation Locator helps you find community foundations in your area by searching on their locator map.
Education Professionals, Staff Development, and Title I Funding
For education professionals, participating in a Certificate Program may be considered a staff development activity, which is, a permissible expense of Title I dollars, including Title I, Part D funds. Participants should contact their Neglected and Delinquent State Coordinator or Title I Director to request approval for the use of Title I funds to support their participation in a program.
Title IV-E of the Child Abuse and Prevention Treatment Act may also support this type of training activity for eligible candidates, as will funds available to states and localities through the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act.
State Court Improvement Programs may also support candidates participating in a program. Applicants are encouraged to contact their state’s administering agency for more information.