BSC Application Process

In order to provide teams with additional time to apply for this opportunity, the application deadline for the BSC has been extended until midnight on September 24, 2021! Teams that apply during this round that are selected as finalists will be expected to participate in one finalist interview (to be scheduled between October 12th and 20th) and will receive notification of program admission by October 22, 2021. Selected teams will also be required to participate in the BSC orientation webinar on October 26, 2021 at 3 pm Eastern.
On June 8, 2021, an informational webinar was held that presented information about the BSC, the application process, and the BSC methodology.
You can watch the recording of the June 8th Webinar below!
Interested Sites June 8th Webinar
In consideration of applying, we recommend that each jurisdiction convene a team of senior leaders and potential core team members to review the information contained in this document (and provided during the webinars) and discuss the current capacity within the jurisdiction to support this effort. Once consensus has been reached, we encourage the Core Team members to work together to gather all of the information required in the attached application and submit it to CJJR by midnight of the applicant’s local time zone on September 24, 2021. The application can be submitted as an email attachment to
A panel consisting of staff from CJJR, CCLP, and BSC consultants will review the applications. Successful BSC applicants will:
- Exhibit knowledge/understanding of the structural racism that leads to disparities for youth of color in the youth justice system;
- Have the proposed leadership, Core Team, and infrastructure needed to make practice, policy, and organizational changes;
- Display a commitment across their Core team and more broadly to promoting and practicing anti-racism, examining drivers of youth of color into the youth justice system, and supporting changes;
- Have a willingness to test rapid changes in practices, services, and environments; Exhibit an interest in and commitment to positively impacting the lives of youth of color who are at risk of involvement or who are involved in the youth justice system; and Have an interest and commitment to including youth and families with lived experience as authentic partners in change initiatives and as leaders of their own lives.
- Have a demonstrated commitment to working across systems, e.g., child welfare, behavioral health and education.
Based upon the initial screening of applicants, interviews will be conducted with a subset of finalist jurisdictions. The purpose of this interview is for CJJR and CCLP to engage directly with the jurisdiction about their awareness of systemic race and equity issues, and to understand their motivation for and commitment to the changes in the youth justice system contemplated by this BSC. Each finalist team will be asked a short series of questions in an effort to better understand their application. Based on the strength of the applications and the information provided in the interviews, up to eight jurisdictions will be selected to participate.
Teams that submitted their applications in advance of the original deadline of August 20th will be notified about program admission on October 12th. Teams submitting applications pursuant to the extended deadline of September 24th will be notified by October 22nd. The contact person listed in the Application Questionnaire will be notified via email.
Selected teams will need to hold the following dates on their calendars. Each “Core Team” member must submit registration information required by Georgetown University via Submittable. CJJR will provide selected teams with more specific guidance following notification of selection. Dates for Learning Sessions 1, 2, and 3 will be identified following team selection.