BSC Methodology

Over the last two decades, the Breakthrough Series Collaborative (BSC) quality improvement and implementation method has demonstrated an effective means of implementing and spreading promising and evidence-based practices in various human services fields, including youth justice, child welfare, and children’s mental health. The BSC approach moves beyond providing knowledge and skill-focused training; it actively facilitates and supports collaborative multi-level teams (administrators, managers, direct service providers, community partners, youth, and family members) as they test ideas in real-time, using implementation science and improvement processes to guide their efforts. However, while featuring these real- time testing of ideas, this approach also contemplates more long-term planning and strategy development; in fact, it supports it. It further offers collaborative coaching and support to encourage ongoing learning and sharing across participating teams.
As many jurisdictions across the country are currently focusing on eliminating racial and ethnic disparities in their youth justice systems, this BSC strives to build upon those existing initiatives, rather than duplicate them. In fact, the methodology lends itself to complementing and aligning with other priorities and efforts, recognizing that integration and alignment are essential for sustainable implementation
The BSC includes five key elements to help teams move from training to action.