
Stay up to date with the Center for Juvenile Justice Reform. We will post news, webinar announcements, conference updates, and other messages here. You can also find our social media channels below, though we encourage you to sign up for our mailing list, and follow us directly on the below platforms.

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New Monthly Resource Spotlight Video

We are so pleased to present our interview with Donielle Martin, CEO and Founder of One Life @ A Time. an organization which was inspired by her son Terry, who was incarcerated at the age of 18.…

Fall Wrap-Up!

As we head into December and the holiday season, we are taking a moment to reflect on all of the amazing opportunities we’ve had over the past few months to engage with so many of you in-person!…

New Monthly Resource Spotlight Video Interview!

Through the Center for Reducing Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Juvenile Justice, we are so pleased to present our interview with Clinton Lacey. Mr. Lacey is the president and CEO of the Credible…

Now Available! A Guide to Applying Youth Voice

The National Mentoring Resource Center (NMRC) has released “A Guide to Applying Youth Voice: Tips to Implement Youth Voice Through a Youth Advisory Council.” Sponsored by OJJDP and…

plane landing with moon behind it.

CJJR is out on the Road!

Our CJJR team has been hitting the road (and the airways) across the United States, with no end in sight. From Florida to Kansas to Oregon, whether it is participating in conferences and trainings,…

Not Just for Show: New Webinar on August 28th!

Authentic Inclusivity is Not Just for Show! Join us at 2pm ET on August 28th for “Not Just for Show: How to Create an Inclusive Organizational Culture that Authentically Supports LGBQ/GNCT Youth”…

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