TTA Program to Support JJDPA R/ED Compliance
We are delighted to announce that, with the support of OJJDP, the Center for Juvenile Justice Reform (CJJR) and our partners at the Coalition for Juvenile Justice (CJJ), have launched the TTA Program to Support JJDPA R/ED Compliance. This collaboration leverages the collective strengths of each partner. This includes strengthening state and territory level compliance, developing and implementing comprehensive technical assistance, increasing the knowledge base of practitioners, and meaningfully partnering with youth and families.
The Program represents a significant opportunity to advance state and territory compliance with the JJPDA. The JJDPA, first enacted in 1974, established a framework for youth legal systems that prioritizes rehabilitation over punishment. Its evolution has reflected a growing understanding of the systemic issues that contribute to disparities in the treatment of youth. Central to this legislation is the recognition that youth of color often face barriers and challenges that can lead to their disproportionate involvement in the legal system. By mandating data collection and analysis, the JJDPA seeks to illuminate these disparities and guide states toward effective solutions. In December 2018, the Juvenile Justice Reform Act (JJRA) of 2018 was signed into law by President Donald Trump, reauthorizing and amending the JJDP Act.
You can learn more about the TTA Program to Support JJDPA R/ED Compliance on its own dedicated website!
Reminder: the TTA Program to Support JJDPA R/ED Compliance is accepting TTA requests!
The TTA Program to Support JJDPA R/ED Compliance is accepting requests for training and technical assistance through OJJDP’s TTA360. TTA360 is a centralized TTA request system that allows you to submit a request to any of OJJDP’s providers, create and manage your own account, and view progress on your requests in real time.
Learn more at the link below. It’s as easy as sending an email!