The Value of Judicial Involvement in Cross-Systems Work

Posted in Announcements
We are excited to share this new resource diving into the value of judicial involvement in cross-systems work. Read more below and download the information sheet here!
“Crossover” between the child welfare and juvenile legal systems is a rising concern in many states and communities. While the aforementioned systems are key players in the matter, the courts can also heavily influence responses to crossover. For instance, pre-court coordination can be utilized to ensure all parties to a case are aware of a young person’s involvement in multiple systems and can serve to align and drive recommendations that reflect a youth and family’s needs holistically.
Dedicated crossover dockets and one-family/one-judge models are another way to not only align case goals, service provision, and resources but to lessen the burden on families who are otherwise required to attend multiple hearings for their various cases. Further, court officials stand to influence cross-system collaboration outside the courtroom. Judges who are actively involved in the development of interagency practices and policies often aid in accountability to the newly adopted multi-agency engagement, making the efforts more likely to be sustained over time.
Interested in learning more about multi-systems work? Consider joining our Crossover Youth Practice Model! We are expanding to up to three new sites. Learn more.