Capstone Projects

The work has only begun after teams participate in the rigorous training and discussion provided by one of our Certificate Programs. Each team will then return to their own local organizations and communities to implement a Capstone Project.
A Capstone Project is a set of actions each Certificate Program participant or team will design and undertake within their organization and/or in their community to initiate or continue system improvement efforts related to the program they attended. The Capstone Project provides an opportunity to apply and further develop learning from the Certificate Program.
The Capstone Project is required of every Certificate Program participant or team and must be approved by the Center for Juvenile Justice Reform for successful completion of the program and acceptance into the CJJR Fellows Network, composed of Certificate Program alumni whose Capstone Projects have been approved by CJJR.
View local reform efforts implemented by Certificate Program Fellows.
Submitting Your Capstone
Participants will develop and implement a Capstone Project during the twelve-month period following the completion of their Certificate Program session.
A one- to two-page summary of the Capstone Project will be due approximately one month after the end of the Certificate Program. The final Capstone Project Proposal (approximately 5-8 pages) will be due approximately three months after the end of the Certificate Program.
CJJR will provide time for Capstone development during each Certificate Program and will offer technical assistance from instructors to aid in the implementation of the project.
Each participant who completes a Certificate Program will receive up to five hours of technical assistance (including preparation time for instructors) on his or her Capstone Project from Certificate Program instructors who have expertise in the area relevant to the project. This technical assistance is in addition to support from CJJR staff.
CJJR requests formal progress updates annually after the submission of a Capstone Project Proposal in order to track progress and offer assistance.
And the Winner is…
Every year, CJJR recognizes an individual or a team who has made the most significant progress in promoting the well being of youth through their Capstone Project in their community with the Capstone of the Year Award. The winner of the award receives a personalized plaque and is awarded free travel and free tuition to a future professional development certificate program offered by CJJR.
Read more about the Capstone of the Year Award.