2018 Janet Reno Forum
Transforming Juvenile Justice Systems
On May 21st, approximately 200 policymakers, practitioners, researchers, educators, judicial officials, community members, foundation representatives and advocates traveled to Georgetown University from across the country to attend the 2018 Janet Reno Forum and participate in a discussion about the future of the juvenile justice system. During the convening, national experts, system leaders and funders took part in panel discussions around the six key strategies for reform outlined in the newly released publication Transforming Juvenile Justice Systems to Improve Public Safety and Youth Outcomes and shared information about their organizations’ efforts to create a safer, more effective juvenile justice system. Topics included:
- Shrinking the Footprint of the Juvenile Justice System
- Reimagining Juvenile Justice Supervision and Services
- Professionalizing the Juvenile Court
- Using Data and Predictive Analytics to Improve Outcomes for Youth
- Transforming Juvenile Justice Systems: What Will it Take?

The 2018 Janet Reno Forum would not have been possible without the partnership of the CSG Justice Center and the generous support of the following sponsoring organizations: The Annie E. Casey Foundation, The Pew Charitable Trusts, Sierra Health Foundation, and The Tow Foundation. As part of the conference, representatives from these foundations took part in a panel during which they explored ideas on how best to advance transformational change in juvenile justice.
Women’s Leadership Award
The Forum also featured the presentation of the 2018 Janet Reno Women’s Leadership Award to the Honorable Cindy S. Lederman, Circuit Judge of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit of Florida (Miami-Dade), who has dedicated her career to improving the lives of children, youth and families. The Janet Reno Women’s Leadership Award is an annual award presented to a leader who has demonstrated a commitment and ability to effect change in her community or organization to benefit youth, particularly those at risk of entering the juvenile justice or child welfare systems.