Registration Now Open for the 2021 Janet Reno Forum

Posted in Announcements
The Center for Juvenile Justice Reform, in partnership with Casey Family Programs, is delighted to invite you to the 2021 Janet Reno Forum. The Forum will explore the paths systems can take to support crossover youth—young people who are involved in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems.
From July 26 to July 29, we will center the experiences of youth and families impacted by the juvenile justice and child welfare systems through a virtual conference that allows for national participation.
How can we restructure our systems to better support crossover youth?
Alongside a host of high-profile keynote speakers and expert presentations, we will spotlight opportunities for change in a series of topical sessions.
- Addressing the Needs of Youth sessions, we will focus on the needs of commercially sexually exploited youth, youth of color, and LGBTQ+ youth.
- Building New Roads Between Systems sessions, we will concentrate on the value of data, case practice, and leveraging the Family First Prevention Services Act.
- Using Experiences to Shape Systems sessions, we will hear directly from staff, families, and young people about their experiences within juvenile justice and child welfare systems.
For more than a decade, the Center for Juvenile Justice Reform has collaborated with partners in 23 states and more than 120 jurisdictions to implement the Crossover Youth Practice Model.
The Forum will leverage this wealth of practical knowledge—and the voices of diverse practitioners and constituents across the country—to engage in a robust conversation on how to improve our youth- and family-serving systems. At the conclusion of the Forum, participants can expect to be prepared to take immediate steps toward helping our most vulnerable youth.
Learn more on the 2021 Janet Reno Forum page.