Macon Stewart

Senior Deputy Director
Macon Stewart is a Senior Fellow/Deputy Director in the Georgetown University McCourt School of Public Policy Center for Juvenile Justice Reform. Macon is recognized as one of the country’s foremost experts on systemic reform to address the needs of youth involved with multiple human service or legal systems. Her portfolio includes serving as one of the authors of the Crossover Youth Practice Model and managing its implementation in 100+ communities across the country. She has written and co-authored scholarly publications on the intersection of child welfare and juvenile justice. Her current research interest center around understanding and addressing the needs of Black Girls involved with multiple systems. Additionally, she serves on the Justice Consortium for the National Child Traumatic Stress Network, the North Carolina Governor’s Crime Commission’s Racial and Ethnic Disparities Subcommittee and consults with other universities to support advancing systemic reform in communities across the country.
Working to improve how systems address and respond to children and youth on a micro and macro-level has been and will continue to be the passion exemplified in her work. In her community, she serves on the Executive Board for the Rowan Co. Literacy Council, is actively involved with the Salisbury-Rowan Branch of the NAACP and is a literacy volunteer at a local middle school.
Macon holds a Master of Social Work degree from the University of Pittsburgh and a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.